Archived Software Options for OpenSprints Electronics

We would like to give special thanks to the developers out there that make software for OpenSprints Electronics, and true to the Open Source model, share it with everyone. We wouldn't want to offer Goldsprints Roller Racing Equipment any other way.

GoldsprintsFX by Ed Husar

NOTE: This software is as is, we no longer support it due to dependency issues.

Documentation: GoldsprintsFX Software Installation Instructions

We had partnered with Ed Husar of GoldsprintsFX to further his cross platform (Windows, OSX, Linux) frontend software for the OpenSprints Electronics. If you have any software trouble at all, please post question to the GoldSprintsFX forum.

Goldsprints FX - Wins / Loses from Ed Husar on Vimeo.

Many late nights are spent on the development of GFX. Donations from people like you are what keep it going. Please consider donating if you find GFX useful.

pySprints by Morgan Venable

NOTE: This software is as is, we do not support it.

pySprints is another software written in Python for the OpenSprints Electronics. pySprints was used by organizations like West Coast Gold Sprints for Goldsprints Roller Racing. However Morgan no longer has time to work on the project (so please don't contact him) and has OK'd its release as open source.

There is no installer for this, but you can download it, compile it and create your own executable.


Use Python 2.5.4, as such all the dependencies need to be for 2.5 (not something more recent).

Source Code

pySprints uses different firmware than OpenSprints. As such you will need to install the firmware manually. You can always reinstall OpenSprints firmware.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Extract the pySprints firmware ( to a folder.
  2. Replacing "After you have downloaded and installed the latest OpenSprints software open the firmware directory." opensprints_arduino_full_reporting follow these instructions Update Arduino with OpenSprints Firmware

To change to the correct COM port, this has to be manually done on Line 4 of For example here is what it would be for COM2:

portid = 2

Open in IDLE and hit F5 to run the module.

rubySprints / IroSprints by Alexander Rakoczy & Evan Farrar

NOTE: This software is as is, we do not support it.
