Download and Configure TinkerProxy 2.0 (aka Serproxy)

TinkerProxy is software that runs in the background (minimized) and allows programs like GoldsprintsFX to talk to the OpenSprints Hub / Arduino hardware. TinkerProxy consists of two (2) files, an executable AND a custom configuration file. They both need to be downloaded and kept together in the same directory or folder. Use this simple form to generate your files.

  1. Choose your Operating System:

  2. Select Serial Port: How do I figure out what my Serial Port is?
  3. Define Serial Port (Replace XXXXXXXX /dev/cu.usbmodemXXXXXXXX for the Uno or /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXXXX for the Duemilanove): How do I figure out what my Serial Port is?
  4. Define Serial Port (Replace X): How do I figure out what my Serial Port is?

  5. and unzip the folder to your desktop.