Installation Instructions for Ed Husar's GoldsprintsFX (

Many late nights are spent on the development of GFX. Donations from people like you are what keep it going. Please consider donating if you find GFX useful.


  1. Choose your Operating System:
  2. In this order, download and install the latest versions of the following:
    1. Install Arduino drivers (pick ONE):
      • Arduino Uno (Arduino sticker on the bottom of the OpenSprints hub): Install Arduino IDE which installs drivers for you.
      • Arduino Duemilanove (Sold by OpenSprints LLC prior to December 2014, we HIGHLY recommend upgrading to the Arduino Uno): Virtual COM Port (VCP) Drivers from FTDI
    2. Install Arduino drivers (pick ONE):
      • Arduino Uno (Arduino sticker on the bottom of the OpenSprints hub): Install Arduino IDE which installs drivers for you.
      • Arduino Duemilanove (Sold by OpenSprints LLC prior to December 2014, we HIGHLY recommend upgrading to the Arduino Uno): Install Arduino FTDI Drivers
    3. TinkerProxy / Serproxy executable AND configuration file
    4. Adobe Flash
    5. Adobe AIR
    6. GoldsprintsFX from
  3. Double click "serproxy.exe", minimize it, it MUST be open and running in order for GoldsprintsFX to work.
  4. Open "serproxy.osx" with a Terminal, minimize it, it MUST be open and running in order for GoldsprintsFX to work.
  5. Click on "GoldsprintsFX_b2.2" from your Start Menu. NOTE: If the Home, Events, and Settings buttons are not active after hitting Connect, there is something wrong with your TinkerProxy / Serproxy settings.



"When the Goldsprintsfx counts down 3, 2, 1 GO the timer starts running but the speed and distance does not work no matter how fast I pedal the bike."

Problem #1:

Windows is trying to use newer drivers that don't work with an Arduino clone in the OpenSprints Hub. (Reference Source)

Solution #1:

Uninstall and reinstall older working FTDI drivers.

  1. Download the CDM Uninstaller 1.4 - Windows Device Driver Uninstaller from FTDI Utilities.
  2. Follow the un-installation instructions from FTDI Utilities.
  3. Download and Install CDM20824_Setup.exe (Virtual COM Port Drivers) from FTDI
  4. As the COM port has probably changed, get a new TinkerProxy / Serproxy executable AND configuration file

Problem #2:

Firmware is not installed. This is a problem only if the green AND red lights are ON at the SAME TIME in the sensor. If you bought an unassembled kit, you missed a step. If you bought an assembled kit, somewhere in shipping, customs or use, a rare earth magnet got too close to the Arduino in the OpenSprints Hub.

Solution #2:

Install the OpenSprints Firmware and verify that it worked.